Keeping up with Wildrose!

July 27, 2010

After a seemingly normal day in Machaneh, the chanichim excitedly prepared for their night tochnit, “Family Feud”. Each kvutzah had to dress-up together as a family. At dinner, Yitzi, the Rosh Mosh, had a lot of “trouble” getting quiet. He “waited” for over twenty minutes, and still, he could “not succeed” at getting the chader ochel to be silent.

Finally, Yitzi stormed out of the chader ochel, and he was nowhere to be found.

Interim Director Avi Roth continued to tell the chanichim how disrespectful they were being, threatening to take away the night tochnit. The chanichim were disappointed, and finally the chader ochel was quiet. However, little did the chanichim know, IT WAS MACCABIA!!!

All the events of today were building up for this Maccabia break-out.

Check out the website for pictures, and don’t forget to watch the Moshava Minute!

July 26, 2010

Moshevet Binyan Olam started out with a bang.  Literally.

Each month in camp a different noseh  (theme) is chosen.  This time around we chose to focus on the aspects of the creation of the world.   Through the interpretations of the commentaries, we will learn the significance of the placement of the book of Bereishit.  It is not just a coincidence that the story of creation comes before the books that hold the mitzvot.

Specifically, the tochnit will learn about the first seven days of creation through informal programming.  There will be a maccabia (color war) with different team names that will represent different days.  And what better way to appreciate nature than to go on a machane chutz.

On a broader spectrum, shiur for the chanichim will take a whole new role.  They will learn about different stories throughout Tanach and modern Jewish history that will hopefully show them that God takes a very significant place in everyday life.  Each week, the shiur will deal with a topic and create multi- media and movies about what they have learned.  The goal is that the chanichim will get so involved in the story and their own interpretations, that they will relive the history and experience it themselves.  (These videos will be posted online as they become available)

The name “Binyan Olam” is two fold.  First, it emphasizes God’s role in the building of this world.  Second, it is taken from the bracha in shemonah esrei about Yerushalayim.  It is our hope that the chanichim will see God in everyday life and realize that He is the one who provides us with State of Israel.  At the end of the month the chanichim will hopefully go home with a greater love for Religious Zionism and understand that there is only one true Jewish home- Israel.

July 25, 2010

Friday was a busy day in Machaneh as the first day of camp as well as Erev Shabbat. Chanichim had a full day of sports and swimming, and pre-Shabbat nikayon, in which all the Kvutzot scored highs of 4s and 5s. For the first official mifkad of the month, the campers were full of enthusiasm as they sang Yad Achim and Hatikvah.

Jack Gottesman lead a beautiful Kabbalat Shabbat. One could feel the chanichim’s energy as they sang and danced to Lecha Dodi, which could be heard from The Hill! The excitement continued as the chanichim danced to the Chader Ochel. The ruach-filled Friday night meal consisted of food, singing, and of course, more dancing.

On Shabbat day, the chanichim participated in Snif lead by Mach Hach, and Mischak Hagadol lead by Sganiot Katie Matanky and Daniella Strick. Slow Shirah was inspirational and was followed by an intense first Havdallah lead by Rosh Mosh, Yitzi Matanky. Motzei Shabbat night swim was so much fun, can’t wait for a fun-filled week at Machaneh!

Stay tuned for the Moshava Minute!


July 23, 2010

After a good night sleep the chanichim arose ready for fun. The morning got off to a slow start due to some weather complications but soon enough the sun came out and people were outside. All areas of machaneh were used today including archery, the gym and the blob!

Right now the chanichim are at their tzrifim preparing for their first shabbat in machaneh. The excitement in the air is evident and the songs of shabbat can already be heard.

Check the website on Sunday for updated pictures of the our virtual tour. Have a Shabbat Shalom!!


July 22, 2010

All the buses arrived safely at camp this afternoon, filled with excited chanichim (campers). Bus chaperones provided first hand testimony that chanichim let out cheers and loud shrieks of joy as the buses pulled in and the chanichim got their first view of the camp’s landscape.

The chanichim were equally excited as they learned their kvutzot (bunk) assignments. From the bus drop-off, chanichim headed to lice check and then tzrifim (cabins) to unpack.

As always, Camp Moshava considers the safety of your child priority number one. Having an experienced, well trained and dedicated staff is the first step in ensuring a safe environment. Therefore we require that each staff member in the Machaneh is CPR and first aid certified. In addition Moshava counselors and staff receive extensive training on how to efficiently handle various situations with sensitivity.   Although we hope your campers will never need medical attention, Moshava employs a qualified doctor or nurse on site at all times for immediate attention.

We are proud that parents can entrust their children to us with confidence. We are certain your child will have a wonderful and SAFE camp experience at Moshava.

To access the Kvutza (bunks) lists, click on Pictures and bunk notes, log in, and then click on Newsletter. Make sure to become our fan on Facebook and subscribe to our YouTube Channel for privileged access to our daily Moshava Minutes. As always, be sure to check out the photo section of the website!

July 22, 2010

For the first time, formalized sports leagues were formed for first month’s chanichim.  Chanichim selected the league in which they wanted to participate.  The boys had a basketball league and a hockey league.  The girls had a basketball league and a volleyball league.

The teams were comprised of chanichim from across all ages and bunks.  This enabled chanichim to interact and become friends with chanichim not in their bunk or grade.  Three-weeks of regular season games concluded with playoffs and championship games open to all chanichim to watch and cheer for their favorite teams. The basketball championships were greatly enhanced by the use of our new scoreboards donated by Maury and Ora Aaron.

On the last Friday of camp, a trophy ceremony was held thanks to the support of Asta Healthcare and  S.J. Abrams & Co. At the trophy ceremony, championship teams received recognition and medals were awarded to All-Star teams from each league.  Additionally, individual awards were given for various sports skills competitions held throughout the summer as well as 16 sportsmanship awards.

Check out our Photos and Bunk Notes section for more pictures from the event.

July 19, 2010

Please join us on Sunday, August 1st between 1-5pm (Chicago time) for a fun filled day experiencing Camp Moshava!  Parent and prospective campers will have the opportunity to take a tour of the Machaneh and see what a typical day is like at Camp Moshava.

Don’t forget your bathing suits! We will provide the snacks and drinks.

For more information please contact our Director of Recruiting, Josh Zwelling at 937-681-2493.

July 14, 2010

Yesterday marked the eighth yahrtzeit of Yaakov Matanky z”l. Rabbi Leonard Matanky, Yaakov’s father and longtime member of the Moshava family, delivered a shiur to Machal, Avodah and tzevet in Beit Yaakov Levi, the outdoor Beit Knesset built in Yaakov’s memory.  Other members of the extended Matanky family joined us in Machaneh to mark the occasion.

Rabbi Matanky stressed the theme of mizmor (song) in the chapters of Tehillim (Psalms) which depict the destruction of the Beit Hamikdash.  Over the course of the shiur Rabbi Matanky spoke of the need to rejoice even during tragic times; despite the fact that the Beit Hamikdash was destroyed, the Jewish people were thankful that the nation was not destroyed.

Yaakov made an indelible mark on the lives of all who worked with him and especially influenced the lives of his chanichim. He was loved by all and his memory will be forever cherished by the entire Moshava family.

July 12, 2010

Camp Moshava invites all our Parents, Campers, Alumni and Friends to join us for Maariv and Eicha on Tisha B’Av.   While this is usually done up at camp, because Tisha B’Av falls in between sessions, we have the opportunity to be all together in Chicago.  Join us to continue this memorable tradition and hear inspirational stories from former camp director Rabbi Moshe Kushner.

We are pleased to announce that Jeremy Amster will be reading Eicha directly after Maariv. Also, because we will be outside on the lawn (adjacent to the basketball court), please feel free to bring blankets, flashlights, etc.

July 19, 2010
Maariv at 8:20 PM
Hillel Torah (outside in the back)
7120 Laramie Rd
Skokie, IL 60077

To RSVP email [email protected] or call 847-674-9733 ext. 12