Dates & Fees


Moshava Classic: July 1st – July 28th (grades 3-8)

Moshava+ :  July 1st – August 11th (grades 3-9)

Moshava Meyuchad: July 29th – August 11th (grades 4-9)

Mini Mosh: July 29th – August 11th (grades 2-4) 

Machal: July 1st – July 28th (9th grade)

Machal Avodah: July 1st – August 11th (9th grade)

Mosh Katan: August 4th – 7th (grades 2-5) 

Moshava Classic:  July 1st – July 28th

Primary camping for campers completing 3rd – 8th grades.

These campers enjoy a full range of camp activities, including sports, swimming, arts & crafts, and more. Each day campers attend daily shiurim and sichot (study and discussion groups), along with hobby groups of their choice. Each evening features a unique program. Downstairs campers also leave camp for special day trips and a 1-night camp-out.


Moshava +:  July 1st – Aug 11th

Primary camping for campers completing 3rd – 8th grades.

These campers enjoy a full range of camp activities, including sports, swimming, arts & crafts, and more. Each day campers attend daily shiurim and sichot (study and discussion groups), along with hobby groups of their choice. Each evening features a unique program. Downstairs campers also leave camp for special day trips and a 1-night camp-out.


Mini Mosh:  July 29th – August 11th

For first-time Moshava campers completing 2nd, 3rd and 4th graders.

Mini Mosh gives campers an opportunity to experience many of the activities and programs enjoyed by full-session campers in a 2 week stay, with the opportunity for them to experience a Moshava Wild Rose Shabbat.




Moshava Meyuchad:  July 29th – August 11th

For campers completing 4th-9th grade.

We had another successful second session of our unique Moshava Meyuchad experience, with many chanichim reporting it was the best part of the summer for them! Based on its popularity we are excited to offer all five Meyuchad options again, Trek (biking), Sports (basketball+ more!), Spiced (culinary arts), Links (golf) and Innovation (STEAM). If you are wondering if we have made any changes to the program, based on request, you can now choose a different Moshava Meyuchad each week of the 2 week program! For now, choose Moshava Meyuchad and we will be in touch shortly to have you choose your Meyuchad for the first week. Additional new Meyuchads may be offered, so stay tuned!

** Each Meyuchad must have 10 campers per age range registered in order to run


Machal:  July 1st – July 28th

For campers completing 9th grade.

Machal is a program tailored for high school chanichim (camper) completing 9th grade. It is designed to create a cohesive shevet (age group), through programs in camp and on trips including a 3-day canoe/bike/horseback riding trip. Machal chanichim enjoy their own campsite, known as “The Hill,” separate from the rest of camp. The site includes its own Chadar Ochel (dining hall), Beit Kinesset, and sports facilities but is still in close proximity to the main grounds of the camp which enables chanichim of “The Hill” to take full advantage of all main camp amenities. Machal Hadracha (counslers) are current or post Yeshiva/Seminary students who reside at this campsite to provide additional supervision and educational enrichment.


Machal Avodah:  July 1st – August 11th

For campers completing 9th grade.

Four weeks of our Machal program and two weeks of the campers selected Meyuchad track.


Mosh Katan: August 4th – August 7th

For campers completing 3rd-5th grade.

3-day camp experience. Get a taste of Moshava Wild Rose with sports, zipline, swimming, art, cooking, night activities and more!

