Camp Moshava of Wild Rose, WI’s Glossary


Welcome to the Moshava Wild Rose glossary. Here you can find a collection of 100+ words from the Moshava jargon that everyone spending a summer in Wild Rose should know. Most terms have either a video or a picture that relates to them on the right hand side. You can navigate through the glossary by clicking on one of the above letters. Enjoy!
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Lake. Did you know camp actually has 4 lakes on our grounds?! We currently only use one of them for swimming. Agam is a favorite peulah for Chanichim and Tzevet. In 2023 we added a Jet Ski and Tubing!


Area with benches and a stage. Moshava has three amphitheaters, two upstairs and one downstairs. The amphitheater is a hot spot for shiurim and also a great place to play games like ‘nervous numbers’ or ‘make me laugh’.

 Apache Race

A relay race during Maccabia in which the entire campground is utilized. Some of the tasks in the Apache include: racing to Highway P, naming all the books in Tanach, biking, 3 point compeition on the pool and some much more!


Abbreviation for the program called Machaneh Torah V’Avodah (or MachT”A) this program for high school aged campers geared towards teaching lessons of independence. Check out this video of chanichim talking about their experience on Avodah:


This house-shaped building is home to our offices and sleeping quarters for upper tzevet. The bayit also contains a lounge for our tzevet.

Beit Knesset

Synagogue. Here the camp meets three times a day for prayer. The Beit Knesset also has a stage for shows such as bunk night and final presentation.

Beit Yaakov Levi

Outdoor Beit Knesset constructed in 2003 in memory Yaakov Matanky, z”l. Many consider this structure the most beautiful building in Moshava.


Baking! An awesome peulah where chanichim get to bake delicious treats.


The Blob refers to our inflatable jungle gym in the Agam. There are so many elements including a slide, trampoline, high jump and more!


Alumni. There are thousands of Moshava Wild Rose bogrim living throughout the world. Bogrim can share their memories of Moshava in the alumni section of our website. Bogrim should also “like” our Facebook page for daily Moshava updates, trivia questions, photos, videos and more. Check out this video of many Moshava Wild Rose bogrim at a reunion in Israel.


 Swimming pool. Our beautiful new breicha is utilized every single day by chanichim of all ages. It is also the site of one of the most popular night tochniot – night swim.

Bug Juice

Fruit punch. There are no bugs in the bug juice.

Bunk Night

Night tochnit where each kvutzah prepares a skit or dance and preforms it in front of the rest of machaneh. This is one of the favorite night tochniot of the entire summer. Check out this video of bunk night:

Chadar Ochel

Dining hall. Here the entire camp meets for meals three times a day. We recently renovated our entire Chadar Ochel, expanding it, adding washrooms and air conditioning! Not only do we eat, we also love to fill the room with ruach and dancing!


Campers. Whether this is your first year or fifth, we are so excited to see all the chanichim each summer.


Electives. At the beginnig of each month chanichim chose an elective which meets each day. Chugim can be art, rocketry, cooking, drama, sports or anything in between. Check out this video of chanichot talking about their chugim.


The Chutz is an overnight. Everyone wlaks to the chutz site – which is on our camp grounds. Once there they do activities, make fires, cook dinner and sleep under the stars!

Culinary Kitchen

As part of our Chadar Ochel renovation, we added a beautiful state-of-the-art Culinary Kitchen. Here, campers enjoy bishul peulot and during the last 2 weeks our Spiced specialty uses the kitchen everyday!


The main campus of Moshava (as opposed to “upstairs” our Machal camp site). Facilities downstairs include boys tzrifim, girls tzrifim, a gym, a pool, tennis courts, hockey rink, basketball court, kollel, chadar ochel, zipline, laser tag, petting zoo and much more!

Eretz Yisrael

The Land of Israel. Israel is a theme that runs through everything we do at Moshava. Moshava chanichim learn through informal education about the wonders and beauty of the land and no time period is omitted. Peulot in the past have simulated everything from Avraham’s first journey to Tisha B’av to Ben Gurions declaration of the State to the modern day Machaneh Yehuda. Check out this video of some of our tzevet members who got together for a Shabbat reunion in Eretz Yisrael.

Final Hatzagot

Final Presentations. The last activity of maccabia. During final presentations, each team must present a team song, shelet, boys rikud, and a skit.


Also known as “Kadur Flick”. It is a game with goalposts played with a football that has similar rules to ultimate frisbee . There are two flickerball fields in camp, one downstairs and one upstairs called Rayli’s Playpen. Check out this video of chanichim playing flickerball

Garbage Run

One of the avodot done by Avodah in which they gather all of the trash from around machaneh and deposit it in the dumpster. Check out this video of Avodah chanichim on garbage run:


Area in camp where oversize items are stored. Items from the graveyard are often used in stomp during maccabia. Geniza is buried in the graveyard on Tisha B’av. Check out this video of chanichim in the graveyard on Tisha B’av:

Highway P

A 12-mile long highway in Wild Rose, WI. One exits off of Highway P to enter Moshava. The Apache race begins at Highway P.


Campus for our Machal chanichim. The Hill is secluded from the rest of machaneh and has its own beit knesset, chadar ochel, sports fields and living quarters. Click here for a video of chanichim from The Hill talking about their amazing summer.


Hebrew. Many words around Moshava (and in this glossary) are in Ivrit. As a Religious Zionist and Bnei Akiva instution we use Ivrit on a regular basis. Check out this video of an Israeli chanich and an American chanicha speaking in Ivrit.

Jump the River

A game traditionally played on The Hill that involves jumping over two belts. As the game proceeds the belts are moved further away from each other. Check out this video of chanichim playing jump the river:

Kiboi Orot

Lights out.


Wake up.


A group of tzevet members who spend their time learning Torah in the biet midrash and giving shiurim to chanichim of all ages. This Moshava Minute was filmed at their headquarters:


At the beginnig of the month chanichim select which sport they would like to focus on and for one peulah each day, they are guranteed to play that sport. Trophies are awarded to the championship team in each league at the end of the month. Check out this video of chanichim enjoying leagues:

Lip Sync

An extremely popular night tochnit where ecah kvutzah picks their favorite song and pretends to sing the words while dancing. Check out this video of lip sync:

Night Tochnit

Night Activity. The night tochnit can be done by eidah, or involve the entire machane. It can be anything from silent DJ, human bingo, to capture the flag, paint twister or even cake wars! Each night we have new night tochnits and the possibilities are endless.


Cleaning. Each morning after breakfast Chanichim are sent to their tzrifim to tidy up. The kvutzah with the cleanest tzrif wins a prize at the end of each week.


Theme. Each month at Moshava has a different theme that usually relates to Israel. Check out this Moshava Minute focusing on the early settlers of the State of Israel, the Kibbutznikim (the noseh was Israel at 60)

Nosh Cake

A Shabbat afternoon snack that is served between sha’at menucha and mischak hagadol. Nosh cake comes in a variety of flavors.


Pre camp. This is when tzevet and Avodah come up to Moshava early and help prepare the machaneh for the chanichim’s arrival. Tzevet also engages in leadership training expersizes during opening. The tzevet also have a special Shabbat to bond with one another in order to form a cohesive group. Check out this video from opening:

Paper Machsan

Paper storage shed. Building in camp where all of the paper goods are stored. For example; One on toranut can be told to fetch napkins from the paper machsan.


Activity. Each morning kvutzot are given a schedule with a list of peulot. Peulot can include anything from basketball to archery to zip line and much more.


The constituents of our tzevet that are not who are not madrichim are called “plugah”. Plugah is generally made up of sports madrichim, lifeguards and kollel members. Check out this video of our rosh plugah hanging out with some of the chanichim on the chutz.

Pole Building

This is the first structure that one sees on their way up to The Hill. The pole building is a great place to hang out during the week and is where Machal chanichim have shiur on Shabbat.

Pooling It

Hitting a softball 200 feet and clearing the fence of the swimming pool in left field.

Pot Squad

A select group of Machal chanichim who volunteer to clean the dirty pots from Shabbat on motzei Shabbat. They are known for their resolute work ethic as well as their tendancy to have lots of fun.

Rabbi Moshe Kushner Drive

The main road which runs through most of camp. Named after long time camp director Rabbi Moshe Kushner

Ram Kol

PA system. Each announcement that is made on the PA system begins with the words  “הקשיבו נא ,הקשיבו נא כל המחנה”.  Throughout the day there is Israeli music played on the ram kol for all of machaneh to enjoy. This Moshava Minute contains the type of music that is typically heard over the ram kol:

Rayli’s Playpen

Flickerball field upstairs built by the Swansons and Machal Shevet Dvir. Check out this video of chanichim at Rayli’s Playpen:


 A game played on the boys migrash that originated sometime in the late 1980’s. Roofball has similar rules to the “taps”, it can be played with a volleyball or a dodge-ball. In roofball the participants need to catch the ball that bounces off of the roof of the tzrif while in the air, and throw it back onto the roof before their legs hit the ground. Roofball is played with a minimum of two people and has no maximum amount of players. Moshava Wild Rose was the first camp in the world to ever host the August Anarchy Roofball Tournament.

Rosh Moshava (Rosh Mosh)

Head Counselor/Program Director. The Rosh Mosh can be seen on a daily basis leading tefillah, mifkad and meals. The Rosh Mosh also does all of the programming behind the scenes. Check out this video of the Rosh Mosh introducing himself and his sganim:


Spirit. During maccabia ruach is worth an unlimited amount of points. Check out this video of a chanich with a lot of maccabia ruach:

Sha’at Menucha

Hour of rest. This takes place after Mincha on weekdays and after shiur on Shabbat. This Moshava Minute was filmed during sha’at menucha.

Shabbat Cookies

Delicious cookies that are served on Shabbat morning with milk. Made by the cooks early in the week these cookies are hidden in a secret place until shabbat. Check out this video of Avodah chanichim playfully taunting their friends on The Hill and pretending that they will eat their shabbat cookies:


Canteen. Each morning at breakfast chanichim order what they would like from shekem and recieve it in the afternoon as a mid-day snack.


Sign. Moshava has dozens of artistic shlatim scattered throughout camp. Shlatim often contain inside jokes and are painted in melechet yad. Each shevet makes a shelet upon their completion of their month on Avodah and The Hill. This tradition is as old as Moshava itself, the chadar ochel has some shlatim hanging from the 1960’s. Check out this video where chanichim show off some of The Hill’s finest shlatim:


Tribe. Moshava chanichim are split up by shevet (grade). There is always a friendly rivalry between shvatim. Check out this Moshava Minute to see the excitement when it was announced that the night tochnit would be youngest shevet vs. oldest shevet basketball


Class. Chanichim attend shiur each day where they learn everything from gemara to tanach to Jewish history. Shiurim are given by our kollel members.

Shmeggs Field

Baseball field built by Mach Hach in 1992. It is named after their Rosh Mach Hach. Click here for a video of baseball training camp being held at Shmeggs Field (starting at 2:55)


Guard. Each night there are four tzevet members who are assigned to remain on the migrashim to ensure the safety of the sleeping chanichim.


Discussion. During a sicha, madrichim lead a discussion about issues pertinent to the lives of the chanichim. Sicha topics can range on anything from Israeli current events to the challenges one faces in high school.



Slow Shira

A time at the end of Seudah Shlishit on Shabbat where all of the chanichim gather their benches in a circle and sing slow Hebrew songs in the chadar ochel. This is a highlight of Shabbat at Moshava. An inspiring story is traditionally told at some point during slow shira. Check out this video of chanichim singing at slow shira as Tisha B’av commences:


A maccabia staple since summer 2000, stomp takes place on the first night of maccabia and is a contest of which team can make a better sounding, more in sync beat. No voices are allowed to be used in stomp. Check out this video of stomp:


Gathering that takes place after dinner on Erev Shabbat, Tzevet and High School chanichim gather in the Sifriya to sing, hear Divrei Torah and eat some delicous BBQ Beef.


The act of setting up, serving and cleaning up after meals in the chadar ochel. Toranut falls under the responsibilities of Avodah. Check out this awesome video of toranut:


Staff. The majority of our tzevet comes up through the ranks, having attended Moshava for many years. They come back not just to have a good time, but to give something back to the campers, just as their madrichim did for them. They know the ins and outs of camp, and are devoted to making sure their campers have a great time. All of our staff are CPR and First-Aid certified. Our camper:staff ratios of 5:1 for younger campers, and 8:1 for high school campers, exceed the ACA standards of 8:1 and 10:1, respectively. Check out this Moshava Minute a reunion for featuring tzevet members from all over the world.


Scouting. Our tzofiut tzevet help teach wilderness skills to the chanichim (especially on the machaneh chutz). Be it tying knots, building a safe campfire, or putting up a tent, tzofiut can do it all. The tzofiut tzevet can be seen helping out chanichim at the chutz in this Moshava Minute:


Cabin. Here is where the canichim sleep and spend free time.


The Machal  camp site witch is segregated from the rest of camp. One has to walk up a small hill to get there. There are no stairs to get upstairs. Check out this video for an idea of what goes on upstairs:


Large area of inclined grass located near the chadar ochel, bayit and outdoor beit kneset. There is a playground in the valley which is often utilized by the members of our gan. The valley area is used for shiurim, outdoor movie nights, and even giant games of machanayim.

Waffle Court

Named after its special surface (that has ridges like a waffle) this basketball court sees some of the busiest traffic in machaneh. The waffle court is used for regular peulot, during shekem time and for night tochniot (sometimes all in one day).

Wisconsin Dells

An area in Wisconsin dotted with gift shops, amusement parks and water sports. Moshava usually takes at least one field trip to The Dells each summer, taking in such entertainment as The Tommy Bartlett Air and Water Show, Treasure Island Water Park and Mt. Olympus Theme and Water Park. Check out this video from Moshava’s visit to Mt. Olympus:

Wisconsin Timber Rattlers

A minor league baseball team who plays their home games in Appleton, WI (about an hour outside of Moshava). By attending Moshava you are automatically a Wisconsin Timber Rattlers fan. Check out this video of Moshava chanichim at the Timber Rattlers game:

Yad Achim

Yad Achim is the anthem of Bnei Akiva, composed by Rav Moshe Tzvi Neriya, zt”l, in 1932. This song is sung twice a day during morning and evening mifkad.

Yom Machal

Machal Day. The day when oldest shevet goes upstairs to see what it is like to spend a day on Machal. Chanichim traditionally leave yom machal fascinated at how much fun The Hill is and cannot wait for the following summer. Check out this video of Yom Machal


More than a tent but less than a tzrif. Macha chanichim spend their summers living in Yurts. Check out this video where the chanichim on Machal put mezuzot on the new yurts.

Zip Line

Formerly known as the Omega, this is a 40 and 20 foot high and 400 foot long Zip-Line that lets the chanichim soar at high speeds over the beautiful grounds of machaneh. Here is a photo of the Zip-Line: