Keeping up with Wildrose!

January 26, 2010

Camp Moshava is pleased to announce that Rabbis Seth Grauer and Aviad Sanders will be the Roshei Kollel for 1st and 2nd sessions, respectively. Rabbi Grauer is currently a faculty member at the Ramaz Upper School in Manhattan and Rabbi Sanders is currently the Rosh Beit Midrash at Yeshivat Akiva in Southfield, MI. Check out our staff bios page for a full bio of both Rabbi Grauer and Rabbi Sanders.

January 10, 2010

Our High School campsite, known as “The Hill” will be undergoing several major improvements for summer 2010 including new tents and a fully remodeled Chadar Ochel (dining hall). Click here to see the full list of improvements and click here to register for summer 2010.

December 31, 2009

Taste Of Moshava/Bnei Akiva Shabbaton

For 3rd – 6th graders

Shabbat Parshat Bo – January 22 – 23

At Congregation KINS 2800 W. North Shore, Chicago

$65 per person / $75 per person after Jan. 18th

  • Coordinated and supervised by the professional staff of Camp Moshava and Bnei Akiva of Chicago, and led by Rosh Moshava Yitzi Matanky
  • Shabbat singing, dancing, ruach, and traditions just like at Moshava!
  • The same fun Shabbat afternoon snif programming led by Bnei Akiva madrichim year-round!
  • Awesome camp-style Saturday night activity!

December 8, 2009

Camp Moshava is proud to announce that Josh Zwelling, principal and director of Judaic studies at the Hillel Academy of Dayton, Ohio, has joined the Moshava Wild Rose team as our official Director of Recruitment. Josh, who has been involved in Jewish education since the early 90’s and spent summers at Camp Stone as a camper, is greatly anticipating spending time in machaneh this summer and meeting prospective camp families in his visits around the U.S. while promoting Moshava Wild Rose.

To learn more about Josh, check out the tzevet bios in the staff section of our site.


November 21, 2009

Camp Moshava is pleased to announce that Yitzi Matanky will be returning for his second consecutive summer as Rosh Moshava, for second period 2010. Since 1997 Yitzi has not missed a single summer and over the past six years has assumed almost every role camp has to offer, climbing his way up from Rosh Shekem, to Rosh Avodah, and finally to the Rosh Moshava.

Yitzi took a momentary break from his post-acceptance celebration to grace us with a brief statement for the Moshava website: “I hope that everyone is counting down the days, becuase I can promise that summer 2010 will be even more incredible than last summer!” This statement says a lot as many campers declared summer 2009 to be their “best summer ever!”

With expectations and levels of excitement at an all-time high, there sure is a lot to live up to, but there is no man better suited for the job. Both Chanichim and Madrichim alike are thrilled to hear of his return. Madrich Aaron Begin exclaims, “I’m so happy Yitzi will be Rosh Mosh again! Last summer’s tochnit provided the perfect balance of fun and education, exactly what every chanich and madrich hopes for!”

Get ready for an unforgettable summer 2010, because Yitzi is back and better than ever!


November 15, 2009

Dear Camp Moshava Family,

Camp Moshava of Wild Rose is excited to announce a wonderful Matching Grant opportunity. We have received a donation from a very generous donor who has pledged matching funds for improvements to our campsite known as “The Hill”, which is used by our Machal and Mach Hach high school campers. The donor will match dollar for dollar for all donations up to $2,500. Donations over $2,500 will be matched 2:1, so, for example, a donation of $5,000 would be matched with a $10,000 donation from the donor, for a total of $15,000 for the camp.

All of the funds raised will be used to upgrade and remodel buildings on the high school site, purchase new tents, and enhance the programming. This is a tremendous opportunity for our camp. We hope that you will consider making a donation to this project. There is no minimum amount required to be included in this matching program. The deadline for donations is April 30, 2010.

You can donate right now by clicking here. Make sure to check the box for the Machal / Mach-Hach 2:1 Match to ensure your donation will be included in the matching grant.

Alternatively, you can mail a check to our office. For donations sent into the office by check, please note on your check that it is for the Hill Improvements Matching Grant. (Camp Moshava of Wild Rose 3740 W. Dempster, Skokie, IL 60076).

We hope that you will consider this tremendous opportunity to make your donation dollars go farther than ever before.

Thank you very much for your consideration.

David Pelzner


November 14, 2009

Welcome to the brand new online home of Camp Moshava, Wild Rose, WI! Here you are able to see old pictures, take the virtual tour, reconnect with old camp friends, watch Moshava Minutes and even register for camp.

It has been a few months since summer 2009 ended and here is what has been happening since then.

Thanks to a gracious donation by Maury & Ora Aron and the Sandwich Club restaurant of Skokie, IL, there will be two electrical score boards in the gym this upcoming summer. The score boards will be able to be used for two simultaneous games, making sports in the gym even more fun and exciting. Now if only Moshava could capture the thrill that a person gets from biting into a delicious Reuben wrap from Sandwich Club!

As always, safety is a prime concern for this upcoming summer. We are proud to announce that in 2010 Camp Moshava will be a safer place than ever before. In addition to three new defibrillators being donated to camp, each tzevet member will be trained and certified in CPR and first aid before the chanichim arrive. We are also working on getting new Purell dispensers to put around the camp, as well as new drinking fountains.

We are also proud to announce a project that is underway in which the entire Machal/Mach Hach camp site (or as we call it around machaneh, “The Hill”) will be revamped. In time for summer 2010 there will be new tents, a new pole building, a new floor for the outdoor beit kenesset and refurbishments for the chadar ochel.

We have recently received a donation from a donor who has pledged matching funds to support this project. All donations up to $2,500 will be matched dollar for dollar and larger donations will be matched 2:1. A donation of $5,000 would net the camp $15,000. We hope you will consider supporting this effort.

All of these improvements to camp could not have been possible without the help of our wonderful volunteers from the community. Unfortunately though, we are very understaffed and are looking for volunteers to assist with our Alumni and Development Committees. The Alumni Committee is looking for Moshava Wild Rose alumni of all ages to help gather a list of names for people who could be potential donors or help promote Moshava in their respective cities. The Development Committee is looking for volunteers to help coordinate the Moshava dinner, concert or other fundraising activities.

We are looking for fun and creative people who care about the camp. No fundraising or soliciting is required from any volunteer. Please contact Mike Nussbaum for the alumni committee (773 230-0336) and Allison Slovin for the developmental committee (847 910-7335)

Keep your eyes on the Moshava website for updates throughout the year. Summer 2010 is looking like it will be our best summer yet. For events around your community, click here to  to check out the events section of our website.


November 9, 2009

Camp Moshava of Wild Rose is excited to announce that the Rabbi Morris I. Esformes New Camper Incentive Program, created to allow more new families to enjoy a wonderful Moshava summer, will be available again for the 2010 camp season. This incentive will provide a $1,000 camp voucher to the first 25 new Moshava families to register for camp (4 or 8 week sessions only).

If you are a new Moshava family or know of any families who are new to Camp Moshava, please let them know about this wonderful opportunity to save money and provide a great summer of friendship and fun for their children. Families can click here to take a virtual tour of the camp and call 847-674-9733 for more information.

Click here for the official flyer.