Special Peulot for Oldest Shevet

August 2, 2010by adam1

In an effort to take our programming to the next level, we have started running special programs specifically for the Oldest Shevet – 8th graders. Throughout the month, we hope to run unique peulot designed only for Oldest Shevet.

On Motzei Shabbat, after a very energizing and fun Melaveh Malkah, the Oldest Shevet was treated to an “after hours” shekem and a few games of Knockout. The Oldest Shevet chanichim spent time hanging out with friends and enjoying their special treatment.

Tonight, these chanichim were privileged to go bowling as their night tochnit. They had a blast! We hope to continue the special Oldest Shevet peulot throughout the month.

Be sure to check the website for pictures!