Bunk Lists Up and Theme Revealed

June 22, 2010by adam1

Yesterday the theme of first session was announced. For this month’s theme Moshava chose the concept of Moshevet Cherut, the path to freedom. This month will take the chanichim through the process of going from slaves in Egypt to becoming Am Yisrael (The nation of Israel).

The chanichim acclimated to their new lifestyle through three separate activities.  The first was the assigning of Egyptian Kvutza (bunks) names, which formally deemed them true Egyptians. The second, was building and painting pyramids. The third was the actual practice of dressing and walking like an Egyptian to fully solidify their new Egyptian lifestyles.

To access the Kvutza (bunks) lists, click on Pictures and bunk notes, log in, and then click on Newsletter. Remember to check back daily for pictures, updates and the Moshava Minute.