Welcome to the new MoshavaWildRose.org! We hope you love the new look and feel of the site as much as we do. We are pleased to announce some of our newest features:
- The Camp Moshava Blog where parents and campers can read posts written by our tzevet and roshei tochnit.
- Moshava Public Radio where parents can tune in, listen and subscribe to podcasts written and produced by the chanichim of Camp Moshava.
- An alumni section where former members of Camp Moshava can view old pictures, connect with old friends, and sign up to receive updates about camp.
- A media section where we will be posting videos and pictures throughout the summer.
- A new online registration system which will allow parents to quickly and easily register their children for camp. Returning families will receive a login/password via email and they will be able to go into the system where most of the data that would need to be entered onto the form will already be filled out for them. More information about our online registration system can be found here.
Take some time to look around the site and be sure to let us know what you think. Send any feedback or questions to [email protected], and make sure to join our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter!