A Word from the Rosh Mosh, Rachel Shandalov

June 19, 2012by adam1


As the chanichim stepped of the buses this afternoon, the energy and excitement felt by everyone was extremely apparent. After a jam-packed opening and an uplifting first Shabbat, all the tzevet was eagerly awaiting the arrival of the chanichim. All the chanichim were welcomed by the tzevet and ushered inside for lice check and to hear who their kvutza-mates and madrichim would be.

We announced that the Nosei of the month will be Moshevet Medinateinu, focusing on modern day Israel from 1948 through present day. Each day will touch upon and highlight key events, places, and players that helped shaped our land. As everyone continues to get settled, it is already clear that this will be a fantastic month filled with great opportunities for fun, friendship, and learning.