Avodah Madrich — The Avodah madrichim supervise our 9th and 10th grade chanichim on their tochnit called Machaneh Torah V’Avodah (or, as its known around machaneh. Avodah). These madrichim provide an enjoyable camping experience for each child, and help Avodah chanichim feel comfortable in camp, providing support when needed, and making sure chanichim are being respectful of each other. The avodah madrichim run night tochniot for their chanichim as well as them on their tafkidim like toranut, garbage run and bash run.
Drama — Drama has recently become one of the most popular chugim (activities) in Moshava. The past few summers the drama chug has preformed Peter Pan, Alice in Wonderland and Joseph. We hope that Off Broadway once again relocates to Wild Rose for summer 2010.
Kollel / Midrasha — Our chaverei kollel and midrasha provide the religious foundation upon which machaneh is built. The kollel and midrasha members give a daily shiur to the chanichim based on the nosei (theme) of the month. The kollel members also give shiurim to the high school chanichim and shiurim at night to the tzevet. Over the past few years, the kollel and midrasha have both become exceedingly more popular.
Lifeguards — Our Red Cross trained life guards watch over all aquatic activity in machaneh. These protectors of the pool are stationed at the lake and the swimming pool and and accompany the machaneh to all field trips involving water. Many of our lifeguards were trained in Camp Moshava when they were in high school(take out “when they were in high school) in our lifeguard training course taught by our head life guard.
Madrich — From the moment the chanichim wake up in the morning until they say sh’ma at night, they are supervised by their madrichim (counselors). The madrichim are responsible for making sure that all chanichim are at all three tefilot, meals and peulot throughout the day. Each kvutzah (bunk) has either two madrichim or a madrich and two MITs (madrichim in training). Our enthusiastic madrichim directly supervise the kvutza and ensure the health, safety, and welfare of each chanich in the kvutza. It is important to us that the mardrichim serve as role models to the chanichim and encourage chanichim to participate in all tochniot. Madrichim also help build group chemistry, identity, and morale within the kvutza and make sure that each chanich is eating properly and taking good care of him/herself.
Madrich on the Hill — The Hill madrichim are with the chanichim 24/7, all day every day. Whether enjoying a game of flickerball or giving shiur, the madrichim on the Hill are always up for a good time. On the Hill, the chanichim and madrichim alike enjoy the independence of having their own camp site, sports fields, beit knesset and chadar ochel.
Melechet Yad — At melechet Yad our omanut (art) staff assists the chanichim in creating creative and cool projects. Even if it’s something simple like lanyard or something to take home to the family like a nice challah cover for shabbat, our melechet yad tzevet is always on the ball and ready to help.
Rosh Mitbach — The Rosh Mitbach is the backbone for all three of the delicious hot meals served daily in Camp Moshava. The rosh mitbach is the assistant to the rosh chadar ochel and is in charge of making sure all meals are prepared for the hungry chanichim who are coming from their peulot.
Rosh Moshava and Sgan — The Rosh Moshava and The Sgan Rosh Moshava are the two faces that the chanichim will see most often (besides their own madrichim, of course!). Their responsibilities include planning and running all peulot that take place in camp, ensuring that a fun and educational experience is had by all. They lead tefilla, make announcements after meals and are always available to answer questions that may arise throughout the month.
Shekem — The plugah member in charge of shekem is often the most popular person in machaneh. Shekem, our canteen, is where the entire camp meets every afternoon to enjoy a mid-day snack and relax. The tzevet member in charge of shekem manages the operation of the camp’s shekem inventory and distribution.
Sports Madrichim — Moshava’s enthusiastic sports madrichim organize and referee all sports peulot throughout the day. Their enthusiasm and expertise makes our already competitive sports peulot even more exciting.
Tzofiut — The tzofiut tzevet at Moshava do some of the most exciting work in camp. They can be found every morning and afternoon at our 400 ft. zip line, ensuring that all chanichim have a fun and safe experience. The tzofiut tzevet also oversees the machaneh chutz (Moshava’s overnight camp out).
Website — The webmaster at Moshava is the person who takes what’s in camp and shows it off to the outside world. Every day of machaneh the webmaster takes hundreds of pictures, produces a new Moshava Minute and writes an article for the Moshava website.