Keeping up with Wildrose!

November 17, 2015

Camp Moshava is excited to announce  that we have received a very generous gift from Natalie Schleifer of New York City to underwrite our December 6, 2015 Chanukah concert!

Natalie Schleifer’s gift to underwrite the concert  will mean that all sponsorships and ticket sales will go directly to Camp  Moshava and the Rabbi  Moshe Kushner z”l Scholarship Fund.

The concert starring The World Renowned Ohad and featuring Yehuda Green will be held Sunday, December 6, 2015 at 3:00 PM at the North Shore Center for Performing Arts in Skokie.

We are deeply grateful to Ms. Schleifer for her generosity and commitment to Camp Moshava and Jewish camping.

We would love to add your name to this list of sponsors who have joined  Natalie Schleifer in supporting our camp.

For more information on sponsorship opportunities or ticket information please call the camp office 847-674-9733 ext. 7.

September 25, 2015
Completing Grade 3: Our Matchilim program June 27th – July 10th (2 weeks)
 Completing Grades 3 & 4 : June 27th – July 25th (4 week option)
Completing Grades 3 – 9: June 27th – August 8th (full session)
Completing Grades 10 & 11: June 22nd – August 8th (full session)
Registration will be open soon!

July 19, 2015


With close to 600 people gathered at the Machane this past Sunday for Visitors’ Day and the Hachnasat Sefer Torah, which was a wonderful tribute to Rabbi Moshe Kushner z”l and all that he stood for. Beginning with the writing of the Sefer Torah last summer at the Machane and all of the learning that was done, through singing and dancing and the creation of the Chuppah that was used to dance the new Sefer Torah into the Beit Knesset . All of these will serve as a lasting impressions on the chanichim for a lifetime.
We wanted to thank the Storfer/Kushner Family for all of their help with this project and their love and support for Camp Moshava. It was a pleasure seeing all of you that were able to come to Visitors’ Day this past Sunday. For those of you that were unable to make it, please click here  for the photos from the day or watch the video below:



July 2, 2015


Visitors’s Day is Sunday, July 12th, 2015.  Everyone at camp is very excited and can’t wait.

Please click here to view the complete schedule.


June 21, 2015


The bunk lists have been posted! To view them please log in to Campminder and go to news articles.

If you encounter any issues please email [email protected]


June 12, 2015

Dates To Remember:

June 17, 2015:  Tzevet/Sayeret Torah V’Avodah/ MIT Leave for Camp

June 18, 2015:  Luggage Bus leaves from Skokie Valley 

June 21, 2015:  Chanichim Arrive

July 12, 2015:   Visitors’ Day

July 19, 2015:   4 week campers leave

August 3, 2015: 6 week campers/Avodah/MIT leave

August 5, 2015: Tzevet Goes home

May 7, 2015


Check out this new video by the Maccabeats and get excited for Slow Shira at CAMP!!