After a fun ice skating trip on Erev Shabbat, we prepared for the last Shabbat of the month; and it was definitely one we’ll remember! We had a beautiful Kabbalat Shabbat, and tons of ruach and dancing during dinner. Shabbat day continued with a lot of ruach and some much needed rest after Maccabia. Leading out the Shabbat, Slow Shira was unbelievable, followed by the strongest Havdallah of the summer.
Motzei Shabbat night tochniot were exciting as well! The girls enjoyed a night of zumba and swimming, while the boys had swimming and their leagues’ hockey championships. Zumba was led by our very own Orit Shattach, a dance teacher in Israel, who was joined by the Mach Hach girls. These last few days will be truly memorable, and we’ll be holding onto them until we come back next summer!