Camp Moshava’s L’Olam Legacy Society Endowment Program

December 5, 2017by adam1

Camp Moshava’s L’Olam Legacy Society Endowment Program

Click here for the L’Olam Legacy Society brochure (PDF)

Click here for the L’Olam Legacy Society Letter of Intent (PDF)

Dear Camp Moshava families,

Summer at Camp Moshava of Wild Rose is a sweet memory of friendships formed and lifelong values shared.  We all fondly recall swimming in the lake, the hikes, arts and crafts, Shabbat, Maccabia, Avodah and more.  In addition to wonderful memories, our chanichim are left with a personal connection to Am Yisrael, Eretz Yisrael, and Torat Yisrael , and a lifelong dedication to, the State of Israel, the Jewish People and the Torah.

We invite you to help keep those memories alive and ensure that future generations continue to reap the benefits of summer at Moshava by including Camp Moshava of Wild Rose in your estate plan. A donation to Moshava through a planned gift creates a lasting legacy and enables you to make a significant contribution that may not otherwise be possible during your lifetime.

Your investment will allow us to provide scholarships, enhance programs and improve facilities.  A Legacy Gift is an extremely important way to ensure that Camp Moshava continues its tradition of leadership development through camping excellence, while your family will be remembered for their generous support of this goal.

Thank you for partnering with us as we look to create similar memories of Camp Moshava of Wild Rose for our future generations. For more information or to sign up to become part of the L’Olam Legacy Society Endowment Program, please contact the Moshava office at 847-674-9733 or email us for literature at [email protected].

L’Olam Legacy Society Members

Ora and Maury Aaron

Shira and Ronald Abrams

Laura and David Allswang

Anonymous (11 Families)

Allison and Yoni Bellows

Joan and Shael Bellows

Aviva and Mendy Berger

Pam and Howard Braun

Jo and Jonah Bruck

Myrna and Jeffrey Buckman

Aviva and Doni Cohen

Judy and Michael Daniels

Chasi and Eli Davis

Delecia and Morris Esformes

Michelle and Robert Friedman

Tamar and Avraham Friedman

Barbara and Steve Geller

Sharon and Seth Gillman

Batshie and Avi Goldfeder

Mari and Aron Gorenstein

Gina and Joseph Gottesman

Harold Grinspoon

Laurie and Bernard Hasten

Valerie and Bill Kanter

Roberta and Elliott Katz

Miriam and Louis Kolom

Shelly and Stanley Kroll

Shira and Daniel Kroll

Shoshana and Gabe Kroll

Maia and Howard Labow

Rivkie and Evan Lafer

Rita and Sam Lipshitz

Gloria and Benjamin Macks

Julie and David Maeir

Shirley and Dan Maeir

Aviva and Yitzi Matanky

Margaret and Leonard Matanky

Gila and Marshall Mauer

Tamar and David Meiselman

Sheryl and Larry Merzel

Miriam and Bernard Neuman

Yocheved and Jonathan Neuman

Dvora and Michael Nussbaum

Jeff Pogonitz

Aviva and Ami Robinson

Jessica and Dov Robinson

Renee and Gerry Rosenberg

Jeffrey and Cindy Schwartz

Sharyn and Daniel Schwartz

Danny Shabat

Rebecca and Steve Singer

Alison and Ron Slovin

Ethel and Lester Sutker

Shulamis and Bennie Weinfeld

Flora and Martin Weiss

Rifka and Daniel Weiss

Deva and Joshua Zwelling

Camp Moshava’s L’Olam Legacy Society Endowment Program

April 10, 2010by adam1

Click here for the L’Olam Legacy Page


Dear Camp Moshava families,

Summer at Camp Moshava of Wild Rose is a sweet memory of friendships formed and lifelong values shared.  We all fondly recall swimming in the lake, the hikes, arts and crafts, Shabbat, Maccabia, Avodah and more.  In addition to wonderful memories, our chanichim are left with a personal connection to Am Yisrael, Eretz Yisrael, and Torat Yisrael , and a lifelong dedication to, the State of Israel, the Jewish People and the Torah.

We invite you to help keep those memories alive and ensure that future generations continue to reap the benefits of summer at Moshava by including Camp Moshava of Wild Rose in your estate plan. A donation to Moshava through a planned gift creates a lasting legacy and enables you to make a significant contribution that may not otherwise be possible during your lifetime.

Your investment will allow us to provide scholarships, enhance programs and improve facilities.  A Legacy Gift is an extremely important way to ensure that Camp Moshava continues its tradition of leadership development through camping excellence, while your family will be remembered for their generous support of this goal.

Thank you for partnering with us as we look to create similar memories of Camp Moshava of Wild Rose for our future generations. For more information or to sign up to become part of the L’Olam Legacy Society Endowment Program, please contact the Moshava office at 847-674-9733 or email us for literature at [email protected].