Taste of Moshava Shabbaton , January 9th & 10th in Chicago for grades 3rd- 6th!
More information to follow!
Taste of Moshava Shabbaton , January 9th & 10th in Chicago for grades 3rd- 6th!
More information to follow!
For: Grades 3 & Up
When: Shabbos Chol Hamoed, October 11, 2014
Where: Chovevei Tzion’s Sukkah
Time: 4:30-5:45 (Mincha is at 5:50)
Completing Grade 3: Our Matchilim program June 21st – July 5th (2 weeks)
Completing Grades 3 & 4 : June 21st – July 19th (4 week option)
Completing Grades 3 – 9: June 21st – August 3rd (full session)
Completing Grades 10 & 11: June 17th – August 3rd (full session)
Registration will be open online on September 22
This week in Machane Moshava, we had an exciting and meaningful last full week of camp. The week started leading up to Tisha B’av during which we discussed unity and disunity in Israel today. We spoke about the langauge of hate and violence surrounding the Rabin assassination in Shiur, in the lunch-skit and then devoted our night Tochnit to rectifying some of those issues with “compliment circles” and other engaging and community-building activities which promote positive interactions. On Erev Tisha B’av the chanichim learned more about Sinat Chinam as well as the halachot of Tisha B’av. As Tisha B’av set in the Machane, as a whole we took on the proper somber spirit of the day. We refrained from idle conversation, our tefillot moved from singing to chanting without tunes as we sat on the floor. After Maariv we marched by bunk from the Beit Yaakov Levi to the Indoor Beit Knesset carrying lanterns and candles as we sang Im Eshkachech. Eicha was beautifully read and accompanied by explanatory monologues given by various Roshim. As some of the chanichim headed to bed the night continued with an optional shira in the BYL by candlelight which drew a large crowd and included intense singing and powerful explanations and stories. As the shira waned the chanichim headed to bed while the M.I.Ts, Madrichim and members of Plugah had the opportunity to hear shiurim focused on the destruction, the kinot, and the meaning of Tisha B’av today. The morning of Tisha B’av continued with the intensity and power of the night before- Kinnot were presented in a powerful experiential manner in which the text of the Kinnot were weaved into plays and songs.As the day continued after chatzot the chanichim turned from mourning to proactive service as they made projects with tefillat haderech which will be delivered to members of the IDF. The day ended with the same power it had began with a meaningful shira in which songs of pain and loss transitioned in songs of redemption concluding with L’shana Ha’Bah B’Yerushalayim.
The next day moved back into regular camp we were joined by a sofer, Rabbi Betzalel Shur who explained all about writing Sifrei Torah and the chanichim were able to fill in letters into the Torah dedicated to Rabbi Moshe Kushner. We continued with typically exciting peulot, leagues and at night the bunks were able to present fun and exciting bunk night final presentations. They danced, sang funny songs and performed witty skits. And as the chanichim went to sleep there was a Sha-aloha staff appreciation Hawaiian luau style BBQ and party. The excitement continued with Thursday’s trip to Mt. Olympus and Friday’s Peulot and League Playoffs. We are looking forward to an incredible final Shabbat here in machane.
Rabbi Matanky will be giving a shiur tomorrow, Tuesday, at 3 pm central time at Camp Moshava Wild Rose, in memory of Yaakov Levi Matanky z”l. You can listen live to this shiur by clicking on this link. http://www.ustream.tv/channel/yahrzheit-shiur-for-yaakov-matanky-z-l
UPDATE – 7/27/2014
All of the technical issues have been solved and pictures are currently being uploaded.
We would like to thank everyone who participated in our Sefer Torah Campaign in memory of Rabbi Moshe Kushner z”l. There are still dedication opportunities available. If you are interested in participating in this campaign in honor or in memory of someone please contact Beth Herst through our camp office.
We would also like to thank all of our donors whose generosity and support help to enhance and grow our Machane.
11:45 Gates Open
12:00 Visitors’ Day begins – Please join us in the gym
12:15 Mifkad
Josh Zwelling – Camp Director
Shira Kroll – Assistant Director (Social Media Campaign)
12:30 – 2:30 Aruchat Tzaharayim (lunch) – Sit back and relax and enjoy some time with your kids. There is seating available outside and inside of the Chadar Ochel (dining hall), hamburgers and hot dogs will be available for purchase; we accept cash and checks only. Chanichim (campers) will receive meal tickets in advance.
12:45 Silent Auction Open – bid on items for your chanich’s (camper’s) kvutzah (bunk); located near meal ticket purchase
12:30 – 4:30 Open Shekem
1:30 – 3:30 Kibbutz Moshava (across from the Migdal)
Come for an immersive experience and get a taste of this summer’s tochnit, Moshevet Hamidina
1:30- 3:30 Zipline open
1:30 – 3:30 Boating at the lake
2:00 – 2:30 Madrichim available to meet parents at tzrifim (bunks)
2:55 – 3:40 Boys Schiya (swim)
3:45– 4:30 Girls Schiya (swim)
4:30 Mincha in the indoor Beit Knesset
Silent Auction Ends
4:50 Drop off at the Mifkad site
Thanks for joining us!
Visitors’ Day Notes
· Private vehicles must be left in the designated parking area. Parents who bring packages for their children must carry them on foot or put them on the stage in the Beit Knesset. They will be delivered to your children.
· Campers may not leave camp grounds at any time, even with parents.
· If you need to leave before 5:00, you can drop off your campers at the Bayit where supervision will be provided.
This summer Camp Moshava Wild Rose’s noseh (theme) is Moshevet Hamidina. We will be exploring the roots of modern Zionism and the realities of the Modern State of Israel. History and ideology will come alive through innovative activities that focus on telling the story beginning with the Balfour Declaration and ending with understanding future directions for the State of Israel. Please make sure to check our weekly newsletter for a recap of the week at Machaneh!
All the buses have arrived safely at Camp Moshava. We are looking forward to a great night!
Please check the news section of campminder for the bunk lists.
Also please check out the photo section of campminder section of the website to see photos of the campers’ arrival and throughout the summer to view all of their activities.