Camp Moshava’s Tisha B’av in Chicago

August 9, 2010by adam1


One of the most moving times for anyone spending a summer at Moshava is Tisha B’Av.

For the past several decades, Moshava has defined the Tisha B’Av experience for chanichim and madrichim alike. This year, however, Moshava was unable to host the full Tisha B’Av experience due the a scheduling conflict. Because of the way that the Jewish calendar fell out this year, Moshava had no choice but to schedule intersession during this week of Tisha B’Av. Regardless, the community got together at Hillel Torah North Suburban Day School, in Skokie, and decided to try to capture the uniqueness of a Tisha B’Av in Moshava outside of camp.

Eicha was read beautifully by Jeremy Amster. A crowd of over 135 people listened quietly to the reading of the prophet Yermiyahu’s lament over Yerushalayim and the Beit HaMikdash. Following Eicha, our previous director Rabbi Moshe Kushner told one very moving story. Rabbi Kushner is famous for saying “I’ll never tell a story twice”, luckily the story was recorded and will be available on our YouTube channel shortly.


Check out our Facebook page for more pictures of the event.