sitemap Camp Moshava of Wild Rose, WI -- Virtual Tour
Welcome to The Hill
The Hill is a seperate camp site from the rest of Machaneh where the high school program Machal is held. The Hill has its own Beit Kenesset, its own Chadar Ochel, and plenty of sport courts. Click the link below to see an aerial view of The Hill where you can click on any building to see more pictures and learn more about it.

Click Here to Launch the Virtual Tour of The Hill

hillBeitKenesset hillBeitMidrash hillRayli hillWhiffle hillChadarOchel hillBasketball hillAmpitheater hillMoadon hillBoys hillGirls hillBeitKenesset
Beit Kenesset
Beit Midrash
Boys' Migrash
Chadar Ochel
Dror Court
Girls' Migrash
Moishe's Backyard
Rayli's Playpen