Sea Split for Chanichim

July 9, 2010by adam1

Yesterday during lunch Uzi announced that the chanichim would have a special treat, a surprise dinner boat cruise! After a fun filled morning of regular activities everyone departed to the marina. As the chanichim boarded the authentic Princess K they learned a little bit about the history of the Wisconsin River.

We started the boat ride with light Hebrew music and snacks, and enjoyed a dinner of subs while overlooking the river. The chanichim played an exhilarating game of bingo, as well as cards, and thoroughly enjoyed this relaxing evening on the water.

The boat cruise helped tie together the loose ends in regards to the theme. After this long journey of Maccabiah, the chanichim thought they were ready to enter the promise land, but then they were faced with a new dilemma. The Yam Suf! (The Wisconsin River). Though they could not split the sea, they did travel across the river in the large paddle boat, and emerged as a nation ready to enter Eretz Yisroel.

For pictures of this metamorphosis and much, much more check out the BUNK1 site.


(Written by the toughest lifeguard employed by Machaneh and as always the hardworking Webmaster)